Friday, October 22, 2010

Obama picking policy over politics. How refreshing.

Did you know that according to a New York Times/CBS News Poll last month, "fewer than one in 10 respondents knew that the Obama administration had lowered taxes for most Americans"?

Furthermore, "Half of those polled said they thought that their taxes had stayed the same, a third thought that their taxes had gone up, and about a tenth said they did not know."

The reality is this: "...the tax cut was, by design, hard to notice. Faced with evidence that people were more likely to save than spend the tax rebate checks they received during the Bush administration, the Obama administration decided to take a different tack: it arranged for less tax money to be withheld from people’s paychecks.

They reasoned that people would be more likely to spend a small, recurring extra bit of money that they might not even notice, and that the quicker the money was spent, the faster it would cycle through the economy."

Read the full NY Times article here.

Maybe that why people don't see Democrats as having helped our economy and are making them pay at the polls this election.

Make sure to VOTE on November 2nd!

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