Friday, November 19, 2010

Relive your middle school days from the safe distance of middle agedness.

This blog is at times hilarious, kind of always sad.

A posting sample... Student definition: “Strident- when you chew Stride and Trident at the same time”. Yikes, at least she’s creative.

Here's what the author says of his blog: I am a Middle School English teacher, and a vast percentage of my students have NO common sense whatsoever. Some of the things I see and hear are absolutely hilarious. Some of the things are overheard from conversations between students, others (unfortunately) are spoken aloud in my classroom and posed as legitimate (in their minds) questions. In this blog, I will be posting the best (worst?) things I hear my students say or see them write. IMPORTANT: at no point in any of these posts will I make fun of or ridicule any students with learning disabilities or difficulties of any kind. All of the students quoted are standard students without Individual Education Plans or any evidence of mental disabilities.

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