Friday, February 25, 2011

This is your mug on drugs.

In response to the terrible meth problem that has plagued the Northwest over the past decade, Multnomah County has instituted an ad campaign featuring before and after mug shots to help educate people about what meth does to those who use it. The first ones were only taken 6 months apart! I'd say it's a little scarier than a fried egg...



Everything is OK.

Live free and die free. Or go shopping and stay scared. Your choice.

America's future supports repealing DOMA.

As a follow up to my earlier mention of Obama's changing stance on the issue of whether or not denying gay people the right to marriage is unconstitutional, here's what the nation thinks...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Good news for gays! Obama administration rescinds support for DOMA.

I count myself among those who have been annoyed with Obama's stance on gay marriage, but today marks an important change in his administration's treatment of the issue. Obama has stated in the past that his personal view of marriage was that it should be between a man and a woman but that he advocated for civil unions so that gays weren't completely denied partnership rights. DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act that his Attorney General has been defending, defines marriage along such lines and essentially makes gay Americans second class citizens.

The Equal Protection Clause of the Constitution asserts that it is illegal to deny a specific group (let alone a marginalized group!), their rights and is being used to argue that DOMA is unconstitutional. Obama now agrees with this rationale and has directed his administration to stop defending DOMA in the courts.

Read more here.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lady Gaga convinces Target to change it's tune.

Here she goes again with her super-homo-gay agenda. In exchange for getting the exclusive rights to sell a special edition of her new single, "Born This Way", Target has promised to stop the donations to anti gay groups and has committed $500,000 to LGBT community projects. Read more about Target's prior political donations here. Listen to Born This Way and read it's progressive lyrics here.

Thank you Ms. Gaga.

UPDATE!! 3/9/11

Anti Palestinian BART ads stir controversy.

I saw this BART ad a couple of weeks ago and found it to be pretty inflammatory.

Apparently I'm not the only one. The ads were replaced with different ones from the opposition...

To read more about the story and BART's ad policy, click here.

Reduce, reuse, recycle, RETHINK. The zero waste home.

I read about this family in a magazine and loved their commitment to the cause of being greener. You can read Bea's blog here.

Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Coral reef inspired homes for Haiti.

I don't know if this is actually a plausible design, but it sure is cool.

Friday, February 18, 2011

3D printing is the wave of the future.

Whether it's a plastic iPhone tripod, a metal airplane component, or real transplantable human organs, 3D printing can make it all. If that's not cool enough, the process also reduces waste and improves customizability and will someday soon be very cost efficient.

The process is just like the laser printers you've got at home, but replaces the ink with things like nylon, plastics, and metals. Designs are drawn up on a computer and sent to the printer as usual, but instead of placing one layer of ink onto paper it builds layer after layer of material into a three dimensional object. Printers would generally be built like this:

To read more about how it works, click here or watch this demo:

And the winner is... Watson, the computer.

Just in case you don't watch Jeopardy, The Daily Show, or television in general, here's what you missed this week. A computer beat the two winningest human Jeopardy contestants of all time, three times in a row, by tens of thousands of dollars. It's name is Watson, it's made by IBM, and here's the rest of his story.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Intro - Watson Competes on Jeopardy
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

Oscar marketing gone rogue.

Exit Through the Gift Shop, a documentary about secretive British graffiti artist Banksy, is nominated for an Oscar this year. All nominated films campaign to help their odds of winning and Exit is no exception. It looks like the film's subject is promoting his film in a style true to his art by putting up new works all around the LA area. Rad art and genius marketing.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Revolution is in the air...

It started in the Middle East, but here at home we're fighting our own battles with the force of the people. In Wisconsin the state legislature is very close to voting on a bill that would drastically limit, if not entirely eliminate collective-bargaining rights for state employees and curtail the rights of local-level government employees. And this, where unions and workers' rights were born?! The people are not having it. Check out coverage of the protests spreading to Ohio and Indiana here.

Not only did tens of thousands of people show up to speak against this anti union bill, all Democratic members of the legislature fled the statehouse so that a quorum could not be met and the bill could not be voted upon. Read more about police being dispatched to round up the Democrats here.


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What next?! UK man is banned from having sex.

A UK man with a low IQ has been banned by the courts from having sex "except when he's alone...In Britain, the Court of Protection can make decisions for people deemed to lack the intelligence to make them themselves. These people can be ordered to undergo surgery, have abortion, be forced to use contracteption — even have life support switched off".

Read the full article here.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Study finds that ogling by men lowers women's math test scores.

A recent study shows that women test lower in math when they've been objectified by a man just before taking the test. Researchers attribute this, at least in part, to what's called "stereotype threat", the phenomenon that when you remind people of a stereotype about their group — "Girls are bad at math" — their performance at that task actually does drop because of their anxiety over the stereotype.

Read the whole article here.

Breeder vs. homo: a reality check.

From Candace Walsh's HuffPost article...

5 ways being in a relationship with a woman is, in fact, preferable

Aesthetics: as many Old Masters have noticed, women's bodies are beautiful. Their skin is soft and opalescent. Their breasts and hips are curvy and alluring. For the most part, they are not hairy, sinewy, or wiry. And they have been socialized not to wantonly stink up the joint after eating one too many jalapeno poppers.

Cleaning/living together: Women tend to be cooperative. They aren't aping a "man against the world" paradigm. They take turns, and team up, to get various unpleasant jobs done, so that they can don their cable-knit sweaters and get back on the porch swing and drink steaming chai. Or get it on.

Cuddling: women love to cuddle, but men tend to think that cuddling should always lead to sex. There's something lovely about cuddling for cuddling's sake. That's why marriage counselors advocate non-sexual touching sessions for embattled hetero couples. "Just cuddle for a half hour a day with no expectations." Women actually really appreciate the warm and fuzzy without the rude and sweaty. News Flash: it actually paves the way to more rude and sweaty.

Versatility: Sometimes I do lots of laundry and pull lots of weeds. Sometimes my partner vacuums and mops and also cooks us enchiladas for dinner, after she re-jiggers the lighting system in the garage. We can flow into different roles, because we're not constantly negotiating our actions in relation to conventional gender roles. They are a really hard thing to shrug off.

Sex: Imagine sex without that inescapable timeline. You know, the one that has to do with the man's erection, how long he can sustain it, if you can climax before him, and then...lights out.

I know, this is a very reductive scenario. Lots of men are like Sting. They don't orgasm for's's all about your pleasure. But for the rest of you who do resonate with this description, it's really wonderful to have long, open-ended, languorous sex. Instead of the orgasm being like a period at the end of a sentence, the sentence itself is a run-on, and the orgasms are commas. Not that we can't have quickies. We can do that, too.

5 Myths About Lesbian Relationships

Myth #1. Women are so much safer than men.

During my first year of dating women, I got completely blown off after spending the night with a woman I really liked. No phone call, no email. Crickets. It was classic cad behavior. Women can be cads, too. (Hello, Shane.) That's kind of a big revelation, and it takes a while to digest. By dating women, you are not escaping from the possibility of being jilted, or to put it bluntly, used. Especially in the beginning, you have to be as watchful as you would be at the beginning of any dating relationship. Guard your heart.

Myth #2. It would be so much easier to be with a woman.

I do think that the everyday, daily experience of being with a woman is easier. But it's not "easy" to actually meet and get into relationships with women. There aren't as many queer, available women as there are straight, available men. And when you meet them, you still have to click in the areas of chemistry, values, tastes,'s a tall order. Plus, the rules are different.

Straight-identified women have spent their whole lives being groomed to be the re-active ones in a dating scenario. In general, men hit on women, call women, pursue women. We might do lots of subtle stuff to encourage the guys we like, but generally it's expected that men will make the first move.

When you're looking for a relationship with a woman, passivity is not an option. You have to be an equal participant in the getting-it-started. I actually loved this part. It was always so frustrating for me not to be the one who courted the boys I used to like. So, it was a lot of fun for me to be emboldened to approach other women. It's very empowering to woo someone. And sure, it's disheartening to be rejected, but that's part of putting yourself out there.

Myth #3 Men are such icky slobs, and women are so clean and tidy.

Um. I wish. Why do I wish? Because I am a little bit of a slob. My ex-husband was very tidy. My partner, Laura is also a little bit messy. The woman I dated before Laura was organized-tidy...but her whole house had a sort of filmy haze over everything. I don't think she knew how to deep-clean. And she was a slob in other kinds of ways you'd expect from a guy: she didn't close the door while going to the bathroom, she hocked and spat out of her car window. If she could have peed on the seat, she would have. Ew! I was horrified. So I'm sorry, it really depends.

Myth #4 You wouldn't get pestered for sex.

Men often have stronger sex drives than their wives or girlfriends. This leads to a dynamic that can be no fun. You don't want to feel like you're a witholding, frigid wretch, but there's also something beautiful about having sex when you uncomplicatedly want to. Not because he wants to, or because it's been x many days since the last time.

Well, all that is true, but let me tell you this: it's really weird to be in that guy's shoes--as the one who wants more sex than your partner does. Women's desires are more chimerical than men's. There will come a day when you want to, and your girlfriend does not. When I was in relationships with men, that never happened. They were always up for sex. Even when they were tired, or had a headache, or a bad day, or a good day, or felt energetic, or had a pulse.

It was kind of a gift to go through that experience as a woman, because it gave me compassion for men. I understood how my they felt--cut off from the most amazing ecstatic experience, while only being inches away. It forced me to confront what I needed. Did I need to feel desired, irresistible? Did I need to feel intimate, loved? Did I need to affirm the sexy part of our relationship, because it was starting to feel too platonic? What exactly did I need, and what did I need to ask for? I had to ask. I had to show up. I never had to go to those places when sex was always available at a moment's notice.

#5 Men are commitment-phobic. Women aren't--and that's preferable.

Sure, men are cagey about settling down, and women tend to bond much more speedily. Hence the jokes about lesbians bringing U-Hauls on their second dates. But as someone who rushed into a relationship with her former husband, and waited 2.5 years to move in with her female partner, I have some insights to share.

Be wary of the person who wants to move in after two dates. Why is this person in such a rush? Are they worried that if you get to know them more thoroughly, you'll be turned off, after you find out that they have a huge stash of furry porn videos, or an addiction, a rage problem, or talk to their mom three times a day?

You also need to know how this Mr. or Ms. Right responds to the miserable curve balls life throws their way before you're fully cohabiting. It's such a drag to have to kick someone out of your abode because they committed a relationship deal-breaker. It's even more of a drag to move out because you're not on the lease. Commitment-phobia is unpleasant, but not as unpleasant as having to take five giant steps backwards because you assumed too much about the goodness and compatibility of your sweetie.

There's a middle ground, and whether you decide men truly do it for you, or women do, you're going to have to define what feels healthiest.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Lego art and innovation.

The economics of football vs. baseball via Bill Maher

Just in time for the Superbowl!

Dogs rule.

The evidence just keeps mounting that ordinary dogs can be trained to use their noses to detect various kinds of cancer with near-perfect accuracy — better than any standard test for the disease.

In the latest study, Japanese researchers report that an eight-year-old black Labrador was 97 percent accurate in nosing out colon cancer when she was asked to choose among watery stool samples doctors collected from 185 patients with and without cancer.

This kid's got a future in politics, and two gay moms.