Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Upset about tax cuts for the rich?

Apparently I'm not the only one who was miffed that the Bush tax cuts were extended even for Americans at the top 1% of the income spectrum. A group of professors recently started up a website to help the wealthiest among us calculate and donate their tax cuts to philanthropies. Not only does this idea generate funds for worthy causes, it also acts as a protest to the fact that the tax cuts were given to this sector of the population in the first place.

Check out this great idea at .

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Ten tech tips for 2011.

Nowadays it's not just that guy from Nigeria asking for money that you have to worry about. Here are ten things to look out for to keep yourself protected in the digital world...

1.Geolocation programs like FourSquare

2. New media platforms like Facebook

3. Mobile phones

4. Mobile gadgets like iPads

5. URL shortening

6. Friendly fire

7. The end of spam. What?

8. Cloud computing

9. Hactivism outbreaks like Wikileaks

10. More Targeted Malware, backed by nation-states

Read the explanation of each point here.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

The perspective of 6 billion others.

A project carried out by Sibylle d'Orgeval and Baptiste Rouget-Luchaire sent cameramen to 75 countries in 4 years to interview the inhabitants of the Earth. Each bit has a different theme, from God, to Happiness, to Family, and the Meaning of Life. You can watch them all on YouTube.

Monday, December 6, 2010

A better chain gang.

Putting inmates to work in programs such as the one featured in this video gives them a sense of purpose, helps the environment, and saves the prison system money.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Why not recycle EVERYTHING?

I've seen old skate decks turned into bookshelves and adirondack chairs and I've made a clock out of one myself... Now they're turning into wall tiling. What next???

Diamond Dave rules!

I saw this guy last night at Petar's in Lafayette and he blew me away. He does everything from Sinatra to Gaga and is definitely worth the trip.