Monday, August 30, 2010

Does the language we speak shape how we think?

After struggling with having to assign a gender to all inanimate objects while learning Spanish as my second language I began to wonder if working within that dichotomy might change the way people see the world...

Friday, August 27, 2010

Created to fight cancer, useful against HIV?

Two drugs, decitabine and gemcitabine -- both FDA approved and currently used in pre-cancer and cancer therapy -- were found to eliminate HIV infection in the mouse model by causing the virus to mutate itself to death -- an outcome researchers dubbed "lethal mutagenesis."

Friday, August 20, 2010

We all need to be concerned with net neutrality.

In case you haven't heard of that term before, or don't understand what it means, here's a quick definition:

Network neutrality is a principle proposed for user access networks participating in the Internet that advocates no restrictions by Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and governments on content, sites, platforms, on the kinds of equipment that may be attached, and no restrictions on the modes of communication allowed

Read more about how this principle may be threatened by Google and Verizon's latest collaboration.

Is your husband gay?! 15 signs to look out for.

First of all, the title of this blog says a LOT: "ChrisTwire - Conservative Values for an Unsaved World". Read the following to save your marriage. Or just to amaze at its ridiculousness.

1) Secretive late night use of cellphones and computers

2) Looks at other men in a flirtatious way

3) Feigning attention in church and prayer groups

4) Overly fastidious about his appearance and the home

5) Gym membership but no interest in sports

6) Clothes that are too tight and too “trendy”

7) Strange sexual demands

8) More interested in the men than the women in pornographic films

9) Travels frequently to big cities or Asia

10) Too many friendly young male friends

11) Sassy, sarcastic and ironic around his friends

12) Love of pop culture

13) Extroverted about his bare chest in public

14) Sudden heavy drinking

15) Ladies, have you dated men in the past who turned out to be gay?

GHB legitimized?

Scientists are taking a new look at GHB, which has been used in the past as a date rape drug, to see if it could help people with fibromyalgia. More surprisingly, a similar drug, Xyrem, is already on the market to treat narcolepsy.

Monday, August 16, 2010

The energy efficient way to search the interwebs.

Apparently, because this search engine's background is black instead of white it saves your computer monitor energy in lighting itself.

Friday, August 13, 2010

iPhone users have more sex.

My favorite quote from this article: "For this analysis of 30-year-olds with smartphones suggested that women with iPhones had an average of 12.3 sexual partners (I am sure the 0.3 knows exactly who he is), while their age-equivalents who had opted to put an Android into their purse scored a mere 6.1.

It was 8.8 for the BlackBerry owners, but some might feel these more businessy types would most likely be having sex while still on their BlackBerrys, so that hardly counts."

The North Pacific Gyre. Also known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

For all ocean lovers - if this doesn't awaken your mind to the price of consumption, I don't know what would.

The Story of Stuff Project

This great video about consumption now has sequels! Check out the Story of Bottled Water, the Story of Cosmetics, and more...

Dog sized rats stiff out tuberculosis.

Whatever works, I guess!

Friday, August 6, 2010

Buy this sweet ass Ford Taurus.

Holy crap! What kind of badassary is this?!
A 2001 Black Ford Taurus!
Get the hell out of here!
This car is a god amongst other, smaller cars. It eats dead dinosaur to power its black dinosaur hating heart! IT FUCKING EATS DEAD DINOSAURS!

Ever seen that scene in movies where theres a badass explosion in the background and someones walking away from without even looking back. You know where they got the idea. yeah thats right. This fucking car walks away from explosions and doesnt even look back. Its lost plenty a pair of Gigantic sunglasses doing this so it just lets his best friend Samuel L Jackson dramatize it from now on.

This is what life is like if you dont buy this car

Look at this pathetic punkass. Not a lady in site. Im sure he hasnt been laid since Clinton was in office (everyone was getting laid then. awwwwwwwww yeah).

Now look what happens when you buy the car

BAM SON! This car will get you so many girls. Not weak ass girls. Strong ones. To open jars and shit.
All this for only $2100! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!!

Look at that sweet ass lens flare. Its like im watching Star Trek. FUUUUUUCK!!

And this motherfucker comes equipped with an ipod cassete thing. So you can blast Tegan and Sara for fucking Dayzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Oh shit! What the fuck?! Is that a lego batman Hanging off the rear view? and it comes with the fucking car?! SHUT THE FUCK UP!!

So your probably like, "Dude why would you sell such an awesome ass car"
Im moving to Hawaii at the end of August. Thats right. Fucking Hawaii. Beaches and shit.
And those Coconut Drinks dont come cheap you know. They probably have like a small umbrella tax or something. I dunno. I dont live there yet.
If you wanna test drive the shit out of this and maybe grab some Taco Bell while we are at it. Text me at (510)***-****.

NOTE: I did not write this - I am merely a fan of the original poster. I reposted this after all the losers who couldn't take the awesome genius of this write up flagged it for removal. It was originally here - Who would flag something so amazing you might ask? Well people who are not only uncreative losers but cowards too because they hide behind their anon flaggings. Probably a smart move though because I personally would punch someone in the face who would flag this to remove it. If you're gonna flag this - flag it "Best Of." Thanks.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Proposition 8 trial reenactment.

In its January 13, 2010 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court blocked the public broadcast of Perry v. Schwarzenegger, a U.S. District Court case challenging the constitutional validity of California's Proposition 8.

Working from court transcripts and first-hand accounts from bloggers who were present at the trial, the trial was re-enacted and posted for public viewing.