Friday, July 30, 2010

I love this guy, and you should too.

Not only does Anthony Weiner have the best name of any politician that I can remember and a sense of humor about it to boot, he is one of the few in Washington that can genuinely be trusted to have our best interest at heart. I, for one, love seeing him lose his cool...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A must for all nerds.

Technology + Entertainment + Design = TED. They call it the conference of ideas and this is the one that got me hooked...

Books for free. Really. The Concord Free Press.

Why? Their ethos: "We publish great books and give them away. All we ask is that you make a voluntary donation to a charity or someone in need. Tell us about it. Then pass your book along so others can give. It’s a new kind of publishing, one based purely on generosity, and it’s changing the way people think about books".

I like.

Google Alarm alerts you to data mining.

This may be more than you want to know about how many websites are gathering data about you, but it's good for a reality check.

Google Alarm Demonstration from Marketplace on Vimeo.

3rd party anonymous/confidential STD notification with humor.

And it's not just for the gays!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Air guitar anyone?

Gay people can be ok parents too. Duh.

Now that there's a credible study showing that the gays can parent just as well as straight folks, I wonder what the next argument will be to keep gay adoption illegal in Florida, Mississippi, and Utah?

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Bathroom parity; politics and products.

Props for the Economist for their reference to making trans people's lives easier through unisex bathrooms.

And why didn't I think of this?!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Walgreens and medicinal alcohol.

Until I watched Daniel Okrent on The Daily Show, I had no idea that alcohol was once prescribed much in the same was as medicinal marijuana is today. Walgreens has Prohibition to thank for its success.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

There is energy all around us, ready to be reused!

This is such sick technology but it makes me wonder - if all that energy is just out there floating around... what might it be doing to us?

On the verge of Minority Report law enforcement?

If there are genes that can predispose humans to be murderous, will we see a future where we're tested for it and treated as criminals before we even do anything wrong? Just as the iPhone was nearly unimaginable 20 years ago, I think the next surprise will be what we do with greater knowledge of our genetic makeup - for better and for worse.